There's a writing school here in town which I'm checking out. One thing they offer for free is a program of prompt's for October. is yesterday's prompt, and my response:
Fiction Prompt
Something OldWrite about a character who finds something old that they had forgotten about and have come across in the back of a closet, bottom of a drawer, or under a car seat. Use this item to write a flashback in which the character relives the excitement once associated with the object. And:
"I believe this is yours." Zaytalle held up a gold Bardlands coin, a pretty smirk on his delicate face.
Treble snatched it out of his hands. "Where did you get this?"
"You dropped it when you were called out of Bartiese by the Wizardling."
"It was in my pants pocket! Where are the rest of my clothes?" Treble hated the robes that the men of the Wizardlands wore, thin little dresses, and the loincloths that they wore beneath were a poor substitute for a proper pair of pants.
"Actually, it was in the hands of one of the guards. He gave it to me, and I'm giving it back to you."He actually looked as if he deserved thanks for doing Treble a favor.
Treble turned away from him.He looked at the coin, marked with the head of the King of the Bardlands, and words written in Bardtongue. master Irvinghad given him this coin, just before he started his journey. It was for spending in Bartiese, for a little enjoyment of his own, the old master had said. Now it was the only thing he had left of his home, a place where the nights were cool and the people were sane. His only link.As Master Irving had given it to him, he had also made Treble swear that he would return.
And I will, Treble vowed, curling his fingers around the cool metal.
I will.